
The Real Nightcap: Bathtime Rituals + Our Go To Bath Faves

January 31, 2018

In a world of dry shampoo’s and quick showers in the morning, we have completely underestimated the power of a good bath. Because we are moving so fast, and some of us don’t even have the time to sit down for more than 30 minutes as it is – baths have been more meditational over […]

i'm ashley!

I'm the host of the Slay Girl Slay podcast and Founder of Slay Girl Slay. I am so excited that you're here, and I hope you enjoy the show boo!

hey boo,

In a world of dry shampoo’s and quick showers in the morning, we have completely underestimated the power of a good bath. Because we are moving so fast, and some of us don’t even have the time to sit down for more than 30 minutes as it is – baths have been more meditational over the last decade. Some people swear by just showers because they think it’s gross washing yourself in just a tub of water, as opposed to a steady stream washing all the nasty stuff down the drain. Fair assessment. But – a good soak in the tub can lead to stress relief, produce better sleep, reduce cold or flu symptoms, and alleviate sore muscles!

Before bed (or a date…heeey) baths have a sensual way of boosting up our femininity. Especially having a routine with super good smelling bath products that make our skin supple and smooth, and not to mention we literally smell like paradise when we leave the bathroom. Having a bath a couple of times a week if you have the time is a great way to reconnect with yourself on a daily basis, and foster good habits of self-care. Here’s what we’d like to call a SGS approved bath ritual, full of beautiful smelling soaks, oil infused scrubs for those dry knees and elbows, and some good rub downs for when your bath is complete. First things first – light yourself a candle (of course)…

1.       Run yourself some warm water. Make it hot to your liking, we can’t tell you to not soak in uber hot water, it’s your world squirrel. But we can tell you that super-hot water dries out the skin, especially during these nasty winter months. For that melanin to always be poppin – you must be moisturized at all times. So maybe turn the water down a little?

2.       Pour yourself some bubble bath or add bath soaks. Some bubble baths are infused with different skin enhancing properties. Specifically there are different muscle reliving bubble baths or soaks, stress reliving soaks, and mood boosting soaks. Pick your poison but be careful – not all bubble baths and soaks are created equal. Make sure your soaking in something your “girlfriend” down there is okay with too. If you’re super sensitive to bath products, always look at the label and the ingredients. You don’t want to expose yourself to too many toxins, especially if your super prone to UTI’s.

3.       Start a chill playlist, or a podcast…whatever you can zone out too. Our favorite? Silence….or the SGS podcast of course.

4.       Relax. We mean it. Don’t get out to check your phone, don’t start thinking of the drama or stress that’s happening in your life. Disconnect from everything. Whatever happened at this point has already happened, and you can’t change it. So relax.

5.       Depending on how hot your water is, keep a towel handy by the tub, and a small glass of water. (extra points for wine). It might get a little steamy in there, so you want to make sure you have something handy to wipe the sweat off your face.

6.       After a good soak – wash! See some of our SGS approved products below.

7.       Exfoliate! Let this be the last step. A lot of good exfoliates have moisturizer in them, and you want to be sure that you don’t wash it off with your body wash. Don’t skip this step either! Exfoliating kicks the dead skin away that you have on your body, leaving room for soft and moisturized skin. You ever seen a girl with rusty arms, feet, knees, and elbows? She doesn’t exfoliate.

8.       Rinse, dry off just a little, but stay a little damp as you put on your body oil or moisturizer. Keeping your body wet after you get out the bathtub while applying products locks in the moisturizing ingredients into your skin because it’s still a little wet.

9.       Get some really good sleep…thank us later.



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I'm Ashley, host of the SGS Podcast, advice giver, and best friend in your head.

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