
Empowering Ways to Start the Day

February 14, 2018

Wake Up & Pray This is the most important part of the beginning of your day. As soon as you roll over and before you even place your feet on the floor, you should say a quick prayer. Prayer is a way to instantly connect you to God, who in turns gets you connected with […]

i'm ashley!

I'm the host of the Slay Girl Slay podcast and Founder of Slay Girl Slay. I am so excited that you're here, and I hope you enjoy the show boo!

hey boo,

Wake Up & Pray

This is the most important part of the beginning of your day. As soon as you roll over and before you even place your feet on the floor, you should say a quick prayer. Prayer is a way to instantly connect you to God, who in turns gets you connected with yourself. In the mornings saying a quick prayer instantly puts you into a grateful mindset. Expressing gratitude for waking up that morning, and keeping your family safe can set the tone for keeping gratitude in mind throughout the day.


Brush & Mantra

Get in that mirror while you’re brushing and start speaking some things into existence. Start saying those daily mantras you should be speaking over yourself. It doesn’t have to be loud, it can absolutely be to yourself, but say the same things every day. Say the goals that you want to accomplish. Say the things you want to do. Talk about the person you want to become. Here are our favorite SGS mantras:

1. I am a force to be reckoned with.
2. I am beautiful.
3. I am strong.
4. I am confident.
5. Happiness radiates from me.
6. Anything that might come up against me today is already handled by God.
7. Nothing formed against me or my family will prosper.
8. I will do and become everything I dream to be.
9. I am Black Girl Magic in the flesh.
10. I am powerful, and there is nothing I can not do.


Drink A Glass of Water

Yes girl, before you gulp down that caffeine, and that sugar filled tea. Before you start gossiping on the way to work ( which you shouldn’t be) drink a tall glass of water. Wake up your insides in a soothing way, and get your digestive system ready for the foods you’ll be eating throughout the day. Drinking water early keeps you on track with staying hydrated, especially if you have a workout planned at some point. You also won’t feel as inclined to grab that caffeine or sugary filled drink, because you’ve already did the hard part, which is drink that first glass.


Listen to Your Favorite Podcast

Instead of turning on your favorite tunes in the morning, zone out and listen to your favorite podcast on your way to work. There are literally thousands of podcast you can listen to, and we recommend you finding one that speaks to you mentally, motivates you physically, or gets your mind right and on target with the goals you want to accomplish whether it be that day, or in the near future. Building something amazing like a business or owning your own blog? There tons of podcast out there that give you insider tips and tricks on ways to make your business and/or blog more profitable. Steps that have already been taken for you, with the information just waiting for you to listen! We’ll also shamelessly plug our podcast, the Slay Girl Slay podcast for a daily dose of life inspiration, and of course, well over due girl chat.

Set Your Goals for the Day

As soon as you get to work and sit down, as you eat your breakfast, decide on what your goals will be for that day. What’s priority, and what is not? Build in times where you can break away from work mentally and have 15 minutes to yourself. Build in everything that is priority for that day only, not the next day or the next week, only think about your today. Commit to these goals for the day, and stick to them. This way, when things pop up at work, say an annoying co worker that just tried you for the last time – he or she is not a priority on that list so you can already keep it moving.


Influencers Used
@Ms Nerdy Chica

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I believe that no matter what barriers, road blocks, or mind traps we have infront of us - we can still go far and achieve the things we want to achieve. I believe that the dreams & goals we have aren't just placed in our hearts by chance. There is a reason they are there. I'm here to help you figure that out.

Hey Girl Hey!

I'm Ashley, host of the SGS Podcast, advice giver, and best friend in your head.

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