
The Ultimate Girls Night In: On a Budget

February 21, 2018

  Sometimes you just need your girls to hang with instead of hitting all the bars for happy hour, making all of those plans that you committed too, and being surrounded by nothing but work! Sometimes we just want to hang with our girls with not all the heavy planning that goes into a full […]

i'm ashley!

I'm the host of the Slay Girl Slay podcast and Founder of Slay Girl Slay. I am so excited that you're here, and I hope you enjoy the show boo!

hey boo,


Sometimes you just need your girls to hang with instead of hitting all the bars for happy hour, making all of those plans that you committed too, and being surrounded by nothing but work! Sometimes we just want to hang with our girls with not all the heavy planning that goes into a full on girls night out, so we’ve put together some tips for creating the ultimate girls night in, on a budget of course.

Nobody’s trying to be spending tons of cash on one night, gulping down drinks, only to not fully enjoy the night we had planned. Get the group chat going, invite your girls over to your place for one Friday or Saturday night, and look forward to the unfiltered girl chat, libations, and laughs that you now have in store.

Set the Tone

Let your girls know straight up that you’re on a budget and not trying to ball out. Offer having girls night at your place, or at another friends place for the night. It doesn’t have to last all night, but setting the tone early on that girls night will be taking place indoors – and you all will be getting creative on the fun is a good way for your girls to plan their schedule…and decide if they want to put it on the calendar. Once you all select a date – commit to it! Plans always change, but try to commit to GNI (Girls Night In) by sending reminders to your girls on the date as it gets closer, and doing a double check to make sure everyone is still in.

Build Your Playlist

Once the date has arrived, there is nothing better than setting the scene of your girls night in, specifically cranking up the tunes ( and burning some candles of course)! If you have Spotify or Apple Music you can easily create different playlist that pertain to your mood. Try selecting songs that everyone would look, so no one feels left out on the music selection note. We always love a good play list, especially ones that have really good current songs that everyone loves, and of course some really good throwbacks. Have the tunes blasting before your girls get there, this way you’re already catching a vibe yourself. Once your girls get there, and catch the mood you’re in, and start singing along to the tunes you’ve selected, you’re already in for a good night.


Plan A Dish

One way to really save money on girls night in, is having everyone bring a dish, or snack that everybody can eat. As the host you should definitely prepare or have some sort of main dish for everyone, but it helps when you can delegate out what everyone should bring. So one friend can bring the drinks, and another friend can bring the desserts. This way, it’s even on the amount that everyone is spending, and everyone can eat tons of food at the same time! Also having lots of food around for girls night is key, because once you get to drinking, you know how us girls like to snack!


Dress Up Or Down

The good think about having girls night in, is the dresscode! You can make it super fun and have your girls dress up and be uber fancy, or you can have your girls dress down, and everyone come in their lounge clothes, PJ’s, or their favorite leggings and tee’s! Whatever you decide to do, plan as a group if you want to spruce it up and be dressy for girls night in….but on the flipside if you don’t plan on being super dressed up, and you don’t want your girls to feel uncomfortable – let them know ahead of time.


Bring the Games

Have an activity or two always ready to go when you host any event at your house, especially for girls night in. It doesn’t necessarily have to be an actual game, but plan out some budget friendly activities you guys an do. Think mani/pedis, makeup tutorials on each other, staging photo shoots for the gram’ , karaoke to your bomb playlist you built- the possibilities are endless!


GLAMP it Out

Because no one is really camping out anymore, and sleepovers are so 90s – why don’t you have a glampover instead? You and your girls are already having a good night, enjoying all the girl chat, and the drinks are in rotation – grab some blankets and let the good times roll until the wee hours. Remember staying up as a kid at the sleepover, not wanting to be the first one to fall asleep? We do too! Although you all are adults now, and may not be able to swing that 3am bedtime – it’ll still be fun to hang and sit up and chat all night. After all you all are so busy now, it’s good to take some time out and just surround yourself with the people you love.


Whatever you do – have fun with your girls night in!

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I'm Ashley, host of the SGS Podcast, advice giver, and best friend in your head.

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