
What To Do On Sunday to Enhance Your Week

March 4, 2018

Sundays are our favorite day of the week! It’s the end of a weekend, it’s a relaxing day in the house, it’s a day to snuggle up on the couch and watch your favorite Netflix shows. We know you stay busy with your day to day throughout the week, and barely have time to make […]

i'm ashley!

I'm the host of the Slay Girl Slay podcast and Founder of Slay Girl Slay. I am so excited that you're here, and I hope you enjoy the show boo!

hey boo,

Sundays are our favorite day of the week! It’s the end of a weekend, it’s a relaxing day in the house, it’s a day to snuggle up on the couch and watch your favorite Netflix shows. We know you stay busy with your day to day throughout the week, and barely have time to make dinner, know what you’re going to wear, and make plans to see bae on the weekends. However we thought we would share with you some ways that we thought might help with making the week ahead less stressful, and get you more prepared for what’s to come. Sometimes being a little more forward thinking about your week can make the days go by a little smoother, less hectic, and much quicker to the weekends if you’re trying to get back to your Saturday mimosas with your girlfriends.


Decide On Your Wardrobe

If you work in a job where you actually have to think about what you’re wearing…this one is for you. Get out 4 – 5 days worth of outfits to wear during the week. This is key so you don’t have to spend time at night after dinner, or running around in the morning trying to pull together an outfit. This time can be spent doing something else, or , our favorite – sleeping.


Prep Lunch/Dinner

Prepping your lunch for the week is major because 9 times out of 10 your lunch will be much healthier then what you’ll buy out, and you’re saving the coins by not buying food everyday! It also helps to meal prep dinner, or make a few dishes ahead for dinner so when you get home, you only have to focus on part of the meal as opposed to the entire thing. To keep it on the healthy side, we always precook our side dishes like sweet potatoes, green beans, and chickpeas, because they typically take the longest to cook for dinner, and all you’ll have to do is heat them up and add to your main course.


Plan It Out

On Sundays you should have a pretty good idea of what your week is looking like ahead, but bust out that planner and write it down ahead of time. Don’t wait until you get to work Monday, and you’re trying to figure out what takes priority for the week. Know before you even walk in the door at work what your priorities are for each day, this way when you get any curve balls thrown at you – you know what’s a priority and what you can make room for.


Set 1 or 2 Personal Goals

All of us should be working on our goals and dreams every day, but let’s face it…we don’t have the time to fit everything in. If you can set yourself 1 or 2 personal goals and insert them into your week ( put it in the planner too) you won’t feel bad knowing your not checking off your personal list of things you need to get done. Treat the personal goals as if you would a work goal or action item that needs to get taken care of. Try and set the goal on a day where you don’t have much going on – which you should already know which day that is if you listened to the tip before this one.


Set Your Expectations

Setting up your expectations for the week could be helpful mentally and spiritually more than anything. Knowing what you are available for personally whether that the good vibes like peace, love, joy, and happiness are essential in know what you are not available for like stress, drama and negativity. It’s great to go into your week, and saying to yourself, ” I am not available for stress this week. I am only available for love, and joy this week.” So when you get to work, and start talking with that annoying coworker, who always has drama going on in her life , it’s much easier to walk away from the conversation knowing you don’t want that negativity and energy pulling you down, because you are not available for that.



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I believe that no matter what barriers, road blocks, or mind traps we have infront of us - we can still go far and achieve the things we want to achieve. I believe that the dreams & goals we have aren't just placed in our hearts by chance. There is a reason they are there. I'm here to help you figure that out.

Hey Girl Hey!

I'm Ashley, host of the SGS Podcast, advice giver, and best friend in your head.

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