You know we love Sundays here at Slay Girl Slay, and wanted to put together a list of helpful ideas to maximize your “me” time before the hustle and buslte of a new week. We also use Sundays as “Self Care Sundays” but I think we all can agree that maximizing our me time, is a form of self care in itself.
Double Up On Your Task
What 2 task can get done at the same time? Can you do laundry and meal prep? Can you meal prep & write out your list of things to do for the week ahead while your food is cooking? Think of what 2 task can get done at the same time, and knock them out! Time them appropriately so that you can finish them both at the same time, and move on to the next action item you need to get done off your list.
Plan Ahead & Get Organized
Did we mention list? Plan ahead boo! Weekly to do list are imperative to staying on task with your goals and it also helps to stay organized. Staying organized helps lessen the amount of times you feel cluttered throughout the week, and also leaves room for unexpected things to pop up on your schedule or to-do list. For example, let’s say you’ve planned a weeks worth of content to get done this upcoming week, and your girlfriend calls Tuesday night because she want’s to grab a drink. You can look at your schedule for the week and see where you can move things around to meet with your girl – or kindly let her know that you don’t have the capacity and catch her another time.
Limit Your Tech Time
Girl – the amount of hours we lose endlessly scrolling is insane. Do you track your screen time each week? Can you see where your time is going? We can – it’s to your phone screen. One good way to maximize the small “me time” that you have, is to shorten the amount of time you spend scrolling on the couch on Sunday. Practice being more present with your surroundings. Being more invested in the book you are reading, or the movie you are watching. Social media will be there tomorrow, and the next day…and the next day.
Clean Up the Crib
We’ve been binging Marie Kondo’s Tidying Up special on Netflix and chile – we can’t deny a clean space is a happy space. How much better do you feel coming home after a long day of work to a cluttered & disorganized house, or to a house that’s clean, smells clean, and everything is in place where it needs to be? This can be a task doubled up with something else while still maximizing the short time you have to yourself. Get your space together – so that you can cultivate and appreciate the best version of you in that space every day this week.
Photo by: @daynabolden
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