It’s the most humbling time of the year. Cue the tissues, the never ending nose blowing, itchy & watery eyes, raspy throats, and all the irritation you never asked for. Allergies are hard to beat sis. We’ve put together a few tips and tricks that might be helpful in beating allergies this season. If all else fails, please know you are not in this alone, and we are in this together.
1. Clean Up The Crib
When you’re outside, and go back into your house your bringing back whatever particles you touched outdoors into your home. Any other season this would be fine, but since it’s allergy season, and pollen is at an all time high settling on everything, you’ll want to make sure you keep your house as clean as possible, from the dust or pollen you’re bringing in. Sweep, mop, vacuum, wash, and repeat.
2. Keep Indoor Air In & Outdoor Air Out
Change your air filters, and shut the window boo! We know the fresh air is nice, and feels good to have a breeze going through your apartment. But with breeze, comes more pollen into the home, which is not what we want! Change out the filters on your air conditioner before running your unit, to make sure leftover dust that has settled from the winter months isn’t circulating through your apartment.
3. Neti Pots
This might be more of an acquired taste -but Neti Pots have been all the rage. There are simple Neti Pots you can find on Amazon or more complex Neti Pots that get the job done for you. What do they do you ask? You pour distilled water through your nose to clear out any mucus that might be irritating your membranes, and/or causing that stuffiness in your nose. Some people swear by the Neti Pot and it’s affects on allergy relief.
4. Steam, Steam, Steam
Boil a pot of water, or run a really hot shower, and sit & breath sis. The hot steam you breathe in can do wonders for opening up your nasal passages. Breathe in and out as deeply as you can, holding in your breath for a few moments before letting it out again. This will help dislodge stuck mucus deep in your lungs.
5. Medicate
At the end of the day, if you need to medicate to make it better sis, then do that. Whatever your poison is, Allegra, Clairitin, Zyrtec, it always helps the body if you take the consistently over the course of a couple of days. At the first sign of symptoms take a dose, and make sure you follow up at the recommended times thereafter. Nasal sprays also can be of aide in addition to the oral medication you take.
It sucks at the end of the day sis, and we know! But don’t feel defeated, and do your best trying to beat the allergies this season. Even if that means doing all the tips we’ve listed at the same time – do what you need to do boo.
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