
Breakup With Your Bestie? Here’s How To Deal

August 22, 2019

  We’ve all been there boo. Have you ever had to disconnect from a friend you loved so much? It sucks. Unfortunately, many people take such things lightly. Often times people only think of intimate relationships, and how when the relationship doesn’t work out how heart wrenching it can be. But what about our besties? […]

i'm ashley!

I'm the host of the Slay Girl Slay podcast and Founder of Slay Girl Slay. I am so excited that you're here, and I hope you enjoy the show boo!

hey boo,


We’ve all been there boo. Have you ever had to disconnect from a friend you loved so much? It sucks. Unfortunately, many people take such things lightly. Often times people only think of intimate relationships, and how when the relationship doesn’t work out how heart wrenching it can be. But what about our besties? What about our friends that we talk to almost everyday, and we’ve maybe known all of our lives – what happens when you grow apart?

First things first – it happens. We are all human. We are all on different paths, all on our respective journeys and sometimes people just grow apart. That doesn’t take away from all the good times you once shared with your bestie, but should be that of appreciation for what you did have. This friend taught you something, and that in itself is vaulable.

If you find yourself in the same situation, here’s some tips on how to deal.


Be yourself and It’s 100% Okay To Be Emotional

It’s okay if you cry it out a little, especially if you lost a friend that is close to your heart. There’s nothing wrong with that. Allow yourself to be emotional and identify these feelings. You may become nostalgic, lonely or feel insecure. Identify these feelings and take the appropriate steps to address them so you can heal emotionally. This step is essential to handling any emotional issue you may face in life.


Is The Relationship Worth Saving

There are times when relationships get damaged beyond repair.  But at other times, it is possible to get your bestie back. If the tension you are having with your friend is the type that can fizzle out with time, then just give your friend some space.  You may also choose to discuss the issue with your friend to determine if the friendship is worth saving.  Supportive friends are wonderful people to have around, but a toxic relationship is destined to hit a dead-end someday.  If your friend is consistently causing you a headache, it just might be time to move on.


Avoid blaming yourself

Often times when things don’t work out the way that we’ve planned, sometimes we can be down on ourselves and start thinking something may be wrong with us. We ask ourselves, “Am I not a good friend?” “Am I a boring person?” or “Is there something wrong with me?” Self reflection is good, and we should all take a minute to think how we may have added to the problem. But here’s the thing boo – you will continue to gain new friends and lose others. Girlfriends and Sex and the City, were just TV shows. This is real life, with real people, and real feelings and it won’t be like what you see on TV.


Take A Break From Social Media

We know how hard it could be to deactivate a social media account. But taking a minute to disconnect from the world, and focus on yourself can be a good thing. It gives you time to focus on things that you want to do, and when you want to do them. Disconnecting from social media, and creating vs. consuming gives space for you to do some new things – maybe even try things you’ve never done before!


Keep In Touch With Other Friends

There is a tendency to think that you’re alone after just losing a single friend. You should be mindful that you still have many good friends in spite of losing one or two. Spend time with your other friends and build a better relationship. Your other friends are the ones you can call on in the time of need. Hanging around your other friends can help you get over your feelings after losing a close friend.

Surround yourself with love boo. Take the time you need to process, and ultimately move forward.

Featured Image: @marieme_camara & @___fatiiimaaa__


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I'm Ashley, host of the SGS Podcast, advice giver, and best friend in your head.

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