
5 Ways the Rich Folks’ Stay Rich

August 23, 2019

They Monitor Finances Not a shocker of course, but did you know that rich people have excellent control over their finances? Most rich people are not impulsive spenders. Many of them create budgets and are disciplined enough to stick with it.  Do you know that many of these affluent people are aware of every dollar […]

i'm ashley!

I'm the host of the Slay Girl Slay podcast and Founder of Slay Girl Slay. I am so excited that you're here, and I hope you enjoy the show boo!

hey boo,

They Monitor Finances

Not a shocker of course, but did you know that rich people have excellent control over their finances? Most rich people are not impulsive spenders. Many of them create budgets and are disciplined enough to stick with it.  Do you know that many of these affluent people are aware of every dollar they make and every cent they spend? Most people fall short when it comes to financial discipline. We don’t check our banking/savings accounts regularly, and not mindful of how much is going in vs. how much we’re taking out.


They Are Readers

Most affluent people make it a habit to read books, especially non-fiction and self-help books.  They put efforts into learning new things that will help them become better in some way. In fact, most successful people in the world make it a daily habit to read. Warren Buffet, one of the richest men in the world, reads about 500 pages of content every day. It is interesting to note that 88% of rich people read self-improvement literature. One of the disadvantages of typical employment is that it kills the motivation for self-improvement. After all, your salary does not increase when you learn new skills. But the outcome of reading and building your skill set is far greater. Get to reading boo!


They Value Relationships

Rich people value their relationships and networks because they know their worth.  You must surround yourself with people of the same mindset if you want to achieve your objectives.  It is essential to focus on building positive relationships in life and let go of the ones that are pulling you down. It is natural to outgrow some people in your life. When that happens, you will need a new circle of friends whose lifestyle agree with the life you want to lead.


They Exercise Regularly

Yay – everyone’s favorite. (not really) But hear us out, exercise increases focus and also improves the disposition of a person. We can’t overlook knowing the value of exercise and the role it plays in alleviating stress and improving our health.  That is why most rich people exercise regularly. Rather than setting vain goals of losing weight or developing awesome abs, (but if you want to – do you boo) you can simply exercise every day, and enjoy the benefits.  The baseline is that you should engage in the exercise you love, and get that heart rate up, and blood pumping.


They are Patient

If there is a class of people that understands the fact that Rome was not built in a day, it’s the rich folks.  They understand the role of hard work and the need to wait for their investments to mature. As we already know, in this present age, people are always going after instant gratifications. But slowing down, and exercising a little patience will be more beneficial to profit in the long run. Take life easy and live one day at a time. It’s all about the experience along your journey to success…and of course…those extra zeros in your bank account.

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I'm Ashley, host of the SGS Podcast, advice giver, and best friend in your head.

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